Since Green Fox was established in 2012, it has developed and initiated two public share offers, raising over £800,000 for community energy projects in Leicestershire.
In 2013 Green Fox established the John Cleveland College Community Woodheat Co-operative (JCCCWC) to deliver the first share offer, to install and operate an 800 kW biomass boiler at Hinckley Academy, replacing their existing oil-fired boilers at the main boiler house. Over 200 people invested and became Members of JCCCWC, with over 50% of membership living in Leicester and Leicestershire. The biomass boilers were installed shortly afterwards and the system switched on in August 2014.
See further details of the project
In 2015 a further share offer was launched to raise capital to replace the remaining aging oil-fired boilers at the Academy and install a 50 kWp array of photo-voltaics (PV). These systems became operational in September 2016.
See further details of the project
With all heat and electricity generating systems operational at Hinckley Academy, the early indications from the project are very positive. During the first two years the Co-operative has been selling heat and power to the school; the school have saved financially, reduced their carbon footprint and the project has created a community benefit fund.
JCCCWC Data (from the first two years of operation)
Year | Estimated cost saving to Hinckley Academy | CO2 saving (tonnes) | Community benefit fund |
2015 | £36,364 | 404 | £3,249 |
2016 | £18,799 | 342 | £1,732 |
Total | £55,163 | 746 | £4,981 |
Also in 2015 Green Fox worked in partnership with Green Hedge Energy to look at the feasibility of a community owned 2.7 MW solar farm or shared ownership model in Stanton under Bardon in North West Leicestershire. Ultimately the solar farm was not community owned, but the current owners contribute annually to a community benefit fund for the local area, which is managed by Green Fox.
See further details of the project